
Eu gero prosperidade
com tecnologia.

Oi! Eu sou André Faria, empreendedor especialista em SaaS. Sou investidor, mentor, palestrante, podcaster, e autor.

André Faria Gomes Profile

Não faça menos do que seu melhor

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Let’s talk now!

That's me!

Há mais de 20 anos gerando prosperidade com tecnologia criando e desenvolvendo negócios inovadores e escaláveis.


Word on the street

André is certainly one of the most up-to-date professionals you'll ever meet. With genuine intellectual curiosity, he is always looking for the next big thing combining those with consolidated management practices and making him an excellent executive and leader.
Gilson Torii
Startup & ScaleUp Investor
From Andre I learned how to make complex situations simpler and to solve them in an objective manner. He always impressed me how he can be involved in so many things at the same time and do all of them with quality: I once asked him how many hours his day had to get everything done!
Ana Zuppani Sakura
Management Consultant
André is one of the few people I've worked with that has great technical skills while being humble in the most earnest sense. He is permanently looking for ways to break the status quo and continuously improve as an entrepreneur. Being a servant leader, is always there for everyone that seeks guidance.
Luiz Faiar Junior
Engineer @ Stripe

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